
13 years 7 months ago
Neural Processing of Counting in Evolved Spiking and McCulloch-Pitts Agents
This paper investigates the evolution of autonomous agents that solve a memorydependent counting task. Two types of neurocontrollers are evolved: networks of McCulloch-Pitts neuro...
Keren Saggie-Wexler, Alon Keinan, Eytan Ruppin
13 years 7 months ago
Through the Interaction of Neutral and Adaptive Mutations, Evolutionary Search Finds a Way
An evolutionary system that supports the interaction of neutral and adaptive mutations is investigated. Experimental results on a Boolean function and needle-in-haystack problems s...
Tina Yu, Julian Francis Miller
13 years 7 months ago
Synchronization Phenomena in Surface-Reaction Models of Protocells
A class of generic models of protocells is introduced, which are inspired by the “Los Alamos bug” is but which, due to their abstraction level, can be applied to a wider set o...
Roberto Serra, Timoteo Carletti, Irene Poli
13 years 7 months ago
Evolution of Birdsong Syntax by Interjection Communication
Animals use diverse forms of communication, from sound signals to body postures. Recent ethological studies have reported a unique syntactic communication of a songbird, the Bengal...
Kazutoshi Sasahara, Takashi Ikegami
13 years 7 months ago
"Life Is a Verb": Inflections of Artificial Life in Cultural Context
This review essay surveys recent literature in the history of science, literary theory, anthropology, and art criticism dedicated to exploring how the artificial life enterprise ha...
Stefan Helmreich
13 years 7 months ago
Life Cycle of a Minimal Protocell - A Dissipative Particle Dynamics Study
Cross-reactions and other systematic difficulties generated by the coupling of functional chemical subsystems pose the largest challenge for assembling a viable protocell in the la...
Harold Fellermann, Steen Rasmussen, Hans-Joachim Z...
13 years 7 months ago
Computational Realizations of Living Systems
Robert Rosen’s central theorem states that organisms are fundamentally different to machines, mainly because they are ‘‘closed with respect to effcient causation.’’ The p...
Dominique Chu, Weng Kin Ho