
82views more  AML 2005»
14 years 11 days ago
The canonical function game
The canonical function game is a game of length 1 introduced by W. Hugh Woodin which falls inside a class of games known as Neeman games. Using large cardinals, we show that it is...
Paul B. Larson
58views more  AML 2005»
14 years 11 days ago
Successors of singular cardinals and coloring theorems I
In this paper, we investigate the extent to which techniques used in [10], [2], and [3] -- developed to prove coloring theorems at successors of singular cardinals of uncountable c...
Todd Eisworth, Saharon Shelah
81views more  AML 2005»
14 years 11 days ago
A logical and algebraic treatment of conditional probability
This paper is devoted to a logical and algebraic treatment of conditional probability. The main ideas are the use of non-standard probabilities and of some kind of standard part f...
Tommaso Flaminio, Franco Montagna
73views more  AML 2005»
14 years 11 days ago
Strong reducibility of partial numberings
A strong reducibility relation between partial numberings is introduced which is such that the reduction function transfers exactly the numbers which are indices under the numberin...
Dieter Spreen
84views more  AML 2005»
14 years 11 days ago
Modularity of proof-nets
When we cut a multiplicative proof-net of linear logic in two parts we get two modules with a certain border. We call pretype of a module the set of partitions over its border indu...
Roberto Maieli, Quintijn Puite
65views more  AML 2005»
14 years 11 days ago
Middle diamond
Under certain cardinal arithmetic assumptions, we prove that for every large enough regular cardinal, for many regular < , many stationary subsets of concentrating on cofinali...
Saharon Shelah
52views more  AML 2005»
14 years 11 days ago
A new condensation principle
Thoralf Räsch, Ralf Schindler
104views more  AML 2005»
14 years 11 days ago
Weak theories of linear algebra
Abstract. We investigate the theories LA, LAP, LAP of linear algebra, which were originally defined to study the question of whether commutativity of matrix inverses has polysize F...
Neil Thapen, Michael Soltys