
13 years 6 months ago
Improved estimation of the amplitude envelope of time-domain signals using true envelope cepstral smoothing
The amplitude modulations of musical instrument sounds and speech are important perceptual cues. Accurate estimation of the amplitude, or equivalently energy, envelope of a time-d...
Marcelo F. Caetano, Xavier Rodet
13 years 9 months ago
Bayesian multi-object filtering with amplitude feature likelihood for unknown object SNR
In many tracking scenarios, the amplitude of target returns are stronger than those coming from false alarms. This information can be used to improve the multi-target state estimat...
Daniel Clark, Branko Ristic, Ba-Ngu Vo, Ba-Tuong V...
119views more  SIAMADS 2010»
13 years 9 months ago
Importance Sampling for Dispersion-Managed Solitons
The dispersion-managed nonlinear Schr
Elaine T. Spiller, Gino Biondini
14 years 28 days ago
Three dimensional reconstruction of urban areas using jointly phase and amplitude multichannel images
The aim of this paper is the three dimensional reconstruction of urban areas using Very High Resolution (VHR) images. The proposed innovative approach for the three dimensional re...
Aymen Shabou, Florence Tupin, Giampaolo Ferraioli,...
84views more  TIT 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
Channel-Adapted Quantum Error Correction for the Amplitude Damping Channel
Error correction procedures are considered which are designed specifically for the amplitude damping channel. Amplitude damping errors are analyzed in the stabilizer formalism. Thi...
Andrew S. Fletcher, Peter W. Shor, Moe Z. Win
14 years 4 months ago
Statistical amplitude scale estimation for quantization-based watermarking
Quantization-based watermarking schemes are vulnerable to amplitude scaling. Therefore the scaling factor has to be accounted for either at the encoder, or at the decoder, prior t...
Ivo D. Shterev, Reginald L. Lagendijk, Richard Heu...
161views Hardware» more  DATE 2008»
14 years 9 months ago
Defeating classical Hardware Countermeasures: a new processing for Side Channel Analysis
In the field of the Side Channel Analysis, hardware distortions such as glitches and random frequency are classical countermeasures. A glitch influences the side channel amplitu...
Denis Réal, Cécile Canovas, Jessy Cl...