Search engine result pages (SERPs) are known as the most expensive real estate on the planet. Most queries yield millions of organic search results, yet searchers seldom look beyon...
Understanding query intent is essential to generating appropriate rankings for users. Existing methods have provided customized rankings to answer queries with different intent. W...
Anchor text has been considered as a useful resource to complement the representation of target pages and is broadly used in web search. However, previous research only uses anchor...
We investigate the task of finding links from Wikipedia pages to external web pages. Such external links significantly extend the information in Wikipedia with information from ...
Search trails comprising queries and Web page views are created as searchers engage in information-seeking activity online. During known-item search (where the objective may be to...
It is generally believed that propagated anchor text is very important for effective Web search as offered by the commercial search engines. “Google Bombs” are a notable illus...
Most web pages are linked to others with related content. This idea, combined with another that says that text in, and possibly around, HTML anchors describe the pages to which th...
It has been observed that anchor text in web documents is very useful in improving the quality of web text search for some classes of queries. By examining properties of anchor te...
Anchor text has been shown to be effective in ranking[6] and a variety of information retrieval tasks on web pages. Some authors have expanded on anchor text by using the words ar...
It is well known that anchor text plays a critical role in a variety of search tasks performed over hypertextual domains, including enterprise search, wiki search, and web search....
Donald Metzler, Jasmine Novak, Hang Cui, Srihari R...