Anonymity is a security property of paramount importance, as we move steadily towards a wired, online community. Its import touches upon subjects as different as eGovernance, eBusi...
Users often wish to participate in online groups anonymously, but misbehaving users may abuse this anonymity to disrupt the group's communication. Existing messaging protocol...
Drawing on recent theoretical efforts, a three dimensional model of anonymity in computer-supported group discussion is developed. Applying this model to a review of empirical lit...
Each Internet communication leaves trails here or there, that can be followed back to the user. Notably, anonymous communication schemes are purposed to hide users' identity ...
Anonymity is one of the main concerns in group-oriented cryptography. However, most efforts, for instance, group signatures and ring signatures, are only made to provide anonymity ...
Low latency anonymity systems are susceptive to traffic analysis attacks. In this paper, we propose a dependent link padding scheme to protect anonymity systems from traffic analy...
For the two last decades, people have tried to provide practical electronic cash schemes, with more or less success. Indeed, the most secure ones generally suffer from inefficiency...
In this paper, we introduce the concept of witness anonymity for peer-to-peer systems. Witness anonymity combines the seemingly conflicting requirements of anonymity (for honest p...
—Anonymous communication protocols must achieve two seemingly contradictory goals: privacy (informally, they must guarantee the anonymity of the parties that send/receive informa...
—An attacker that can identify messages as coming from the same source, can use this information to build up a picture of targets’ behaviour, and so, threaten their privacy. In...
Myrto Arapinis, Tom Chothia, Eike Ritter, Mark Rya...