The “classical” approach to represent Petri nets by graph transformation systems is to translate each transition of a specific Petri net to a graph rule (behavior rule). This ...
Modularization is a well-known concept to structure software systems as well as their specifications. Modules are equipped with export and import interfaces and thus can be connec...
Computational experiments are reported involving the concept of foreknowledge, an agent’s direct, unmediated and accurate, but possibly incomplete, awareness of its future includ...
abstract. In this paper we investigate a formalism for solving planning problems based on ordered task decomposition using Answer Set Programming (ASP). Our planning methodology is...
Undecidability results in rewriting have usually been proved by reduction from undecidable problems of Turing machines or, more recently, from Post’s Correspondence Problem. Ano...
Abstract. We study a process algebra which combines both nondeterministic and probabilistic behavior in the style of Segala and Lynch’s simple probabilistic automata. We consider...
This paper addresses the question of factoring a logic into families of (generally simpler) components, estimating the top– down perspective, splitting, versus the bottom–up, s...
This paper is a guided tour through the theory of fibring as a general mechanism for combining logics. We present the main ideas, constructions and difficulties of fibring, from ...