Finding correspondences between two (widely) separated views is essential for several computer vision tasks, such as structure and motion estimation and object recognition. In the...
Abstract: The aim of this work is to analyze the relationship between interval QL-implications and interval D-implications, studying some properties that relate these concepts. We ...
We survey several computational interpretations of classical linear logic based on two-player one-move games. The moves of the games are higherorder functionals in the language of ...
In this paper, we explore the Lambek-Grishin calculus LG: a symmetric version of categorial grammar based on the generalizations of Lambek calculus studied in Grishin [1]. The voca...
Hydra games were introduced by Kirby and Paris, for the formulation of a result which is independent from Peano arithmetic but depends on the transfinite structure of 0. Tree ordi...