This paper proposes some estimators for the population mean using the ratio estimators presented in [C. Kadilar, H. Cingi, Ratio estimators in simple random sampling, Applied Math...
The stability of the hydromagnetic Couette flow is investigated when a constant current is applied along the axis of the cylinders. It is shown that if the resulting toroidal magn...
Realistic interfacial energy densities are often non-convex, which results in backward parabolic behavior of the corresponding anisotropic curve shortening flow, thereby inducing ...
Most balancing markets of electric power are organized as uniform-price auctions. In 2001, the balancing market of England and Wales switched to a pay-as-bid auction with the inte...
For when the Sylvester matrix equation has a unique solution, this work provides a closed form solution, which is expressed as a polynomial of known matrices. In the case of non-u...
We consider the motion of a thin filament of viscous fluid in a HeleShaw cell. The appropriate thin film analysis and use of Lagrangian variables leads to the Cauchy-Riemann syste...
In the current work, the authors present a symbolic algorithm for finding the inverse of any general nonsingular tridiagonal matrix. The algorithm is mainly based on the work pres...
This work deals with the qualitative analysis of a nonlinear integro-differential model of immune competition with special attention to the dynamics of tumor cells contrasted by t...