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Some new results that provide refinements and reverses of the Cauchy-Bunyakovsky-Schwarz (CBS) -inequality in the general setting of Measure Theory and under some boundedness condi...
Abstract. We give an existence result for a periodic boundary value problem involving mean curvaturelike operators in the scalar case. Following [3], we use an approach based on th...
In this work, kinds of Marr-type wavelets Ψn(t) are obtained and an explicit expression for the wavelets is derived. Time–frequency analysis shows that, regarded as window func...
Nonnegative solutions are established for nonlinear integral equations where the nonlinearity G(t, y) may be singular at y = 0. Existence is established using the Leray–Schauder...
There are two simple solutions to reaction-diffusion systems with limit-cycle reaction kinetics, producing oscillatory behaviour. The reaction parameter µ gives rise to a ‘spa...