
107views more  AR 2004»
14 years 13 days ago
Inevitable collision states - a step towards safer robots?
-- An inevitable collision state for a robotic system can be defined as a state for which, no matter what the future trajectory followed by the system is, a collision with an obsta...
Thierry Fraichard, Hajime Asama
78views more  AR 2004»
14 years 13 days ago
Sensor system of a small biped entertainment robot
SDR-4X II is the latest prototype model of a small biped entertainment robot. It is the improved model of SDR-4X. In this paper we report on the sensing system of this robot, which...
Tatsuzo Ishida, Yoshihiro Kuroki
84views more  AR 2004»
14 years 13 days ago
Reinforcement learning of humanoid rhythmic walking parameters based on visual information
This paper presents a method for learning the parameters of rhythmic walking to generate purposive humanoid motions. The controller consists of the two layers: rhythmic walking is...
Masaki Ogino, Yutaka Katoh, Masahiro Aono, Minoru ...
57views more  AR 2004»
14 years 13 days ago
Experimental analysis of gas-sensitive Braitenberg vehicles
Abstract. This article addresses the problem of localising a static gas source in an indoor environment by a mobile robot. In contrast to previous works, the environment is not art...
Achim J. Lilienthal, Tom Duckett
86views more  AR 2004»
14 years 13 days ago
Exact non-linear Bayesian parameter estimation for autonomous compliant motion
This paper presents theoretical and experimental results for the estimation of large position and orientation inaccuracies during force-controlled compliant motion. This is a signi...
Tine Lefebvre, Herman Bruyninckx, Joris De Schutte...
89views more  AR 2004»
14 years 13 days ago
Robot phonotaxis in the wild: a biologically inspired approach to outdoor sound localization
Cricket phonotaxis (sound localization behavior) was implemented on an autonomous outdoor robot platform inspired by cockroach locomotion. This required the integration of a novel...
Andrew D. Horchler, Richard E. Reeve, Barbara Webb...
82views more  AR 2004»
14 years 13 days ago
Multiple tasks manipulation for a robotic manipulator
Robotic manipulators can execute multiple tasks precisely at the same time and, thus, the task-priority scheme plays an important role in implementing multiple tasks. Until now, se...
Youngjin Choi, Yonghwan Oh, Sang-Rok Oh, Jonghoon ...