

Exact non-linear Bayesian parameter estimation for autonomous compliant motion

14 years 2 months ago
Exact non-linear Bayesian parameter estimation for autonomous compliant motion
This paper presents theoretical and experimental results for the estimation of large position and orientation inaccuracies during force-controlled compliant motion. This is a significant improvement over previous results. The estimation is based on position, velocity and force measurements. For large position and orientation inaccuracies, the non-linear estimation problem is not satisfactorily solved by existing Kalman filters. Therefore, a new Bayesian estimator is derived. The filter is derived independently of our application and is valid for static systems (parameter estimation) with any kind of non-linear measurement equation subject to Gaussian measurement uncertainty and for a limited class of dynamic systems. Experimental results for the estimation of the inaccurately known positions and orientations of contacting objects during autonomous compliant motion are presented.
Tine Lefebvre, Herman Bruyninckx, Joris De Schutte
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2004
Where AR
Authors Tine Lefebvre, Herman Bruyninckx, Joris De Schutter
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