Abstract: Which Software Reliability Engineering (SRE) methods should be applied during the various phases of the lifecycle of a product? The answer given here centres on learning ...
: We investigated different parallel SIMD (single instruction multiple data) architectures based on pure programmable and reconfigurable approaches for their appropriateness for in...
Abstract: We report on our experiences with the implementation of a parallel algorithm to compute the cycle structure of a permutation given as an oracle. As a sub-problem, the cyc...
: We introduce the concept of an operating system for platforms that consist beside memory and peripheral devices of FPGAs as the only computational resource. Applications can be d...
: Man-machine systems have several desirable properties, as to user friendliness, reliability, safety, security or other global system attributes. The potential for the lack, or br...
In a pervasive computing environment, one is facing the problem of handling heterogeneous data from different sources, transmitted over heterogeneous channels and presented on het...
: Today’s network processor utilize parallel processing in order to cope with the traffic growth and wire-speed of current and future network technologies. In this paper, we stu...
Carsten Albrecht, Rainer Hagenau, Erik Maehle, And...
Abstract: This paper presents the initial design and implementation of a Gridbased distributed and parallel data mining system. The Grid system, namely the Business Intelligence Gr...
Cryptographic methods are widely used within networking and digital rights management. Numerous algorithms exist, e.g. spanning VPNs or distributing sensitive data over a shared ne...