The process of protein crystallization is explained using the theory of robotics, particularly path planning of mobile robots. Path planning is a procedure which specifies motion ...
— A central goal of robotics and AI is to be able to deploy an agent to act autonomously in the real world over an extended period of time. To operate in the real world, autonomo...
Gradient descent in image distances can lead a navigating agent to the goal location, but in environments with an anisotropic distribution of landmarks, gradient home vectors devia...
Natural human-like human-robot interaction (NHL-HRI) requires the robot to be skilled both at recognizing and producing many subtle human behaviors, often taken for granted by hum...
Matthias Scheutz, Paul W. Schermerhorn, James F. K...
Robotic Development Environments (RDEs) have come to play an increasingly important role in robotics research in general, and for the development of architectures for mobile robot...