Abstract. Elderly people are a great repository of knowledge, the majority of which has never been gathered by formal means. In this paper we introduce an application of multi-agen...
This paper describes an integrated system for coordinating multiple rover behavior with the overall goal of collecting planetary surface data. The MISUS system combines techniques...
Tara A. Estlin, Daniel M. Gaines, Forest Fisher, R...
Although mental states have its own place in the definition of message semantics, social commitments have emerged as a complementing element to circumvent the limitations of usin...
Roberto A. Flores, Philippe Pasquier, Brahim Chaib...
Our approach to the spatial coordination problem relies on parametrized force fields. Through a quantitative comparison on a complex spatial coordination problem treated with a s...
In this paper we describe a channel-based exogenous coordination language, called Reo, and discuss its application to multi-agent systems. Reo supports a specific notion of compo...
A peer-to-peer(P2P) system comprises a network of nodes that are capable of sharing and exchanging resources with one another. Recent studies of P2P networks show that many resour...
Tuple spaces and the associated Linda language are a popular model for distributed computation, and Law-Governed Linda (LGL) is a variant allowing processes to have differential ...
State estimation consists of updating an agent’s belief given executed actions and observed evidence to date. In single agent environments, the state estimation can be formalize...