Recently we had proposed two untraceability protocols for mobile agents and began investigating their quality. We believe that quality evaluation of security protocols should exte...
Most research on auctions assumes that potential bidders have private information about their willingness to pay for the item being auctioned, and that they use this information s...
We present actorNet, a mobile agent platform for wireless sensor networks (WSNs). WSNs are well-suited to multiagent systems: agent autonomy reduces the need for communication, sa...
In this paper we propose a formalism for symbolic negotiation. We regard symbolic negotiation as cooperative problem solving (CPS), which is based on symbolic reasoning and is ext...
In dangerous and uncertain environments initial plans must be revised. Communication failures hamper this replanning. We introduce fractured subteams as a novel formalism for mode...
We present an approach to hybrid semantic Web service matching that complements logic based reasoning with approximate matching based on syntactic IR based similarity computations...
In this paper, we present the most important features of SeSAm, a modeling and simulation platform for multi-agent simulations. Based on a declarative, explicit model representati...
This paper proposes an efficient agent for competing in Cliff Edge (CE) environments, such as sealed-bid auctions, dynamic pricing and the ultimatum game. The agent competes in on...
In this paper, we study how argumentation can be used as a basis for negotiation between autonomous agents, where negotiation strategies of the different parties are represented a...
Online communities increasingly rely on reputation information to foster cooperation and deter cheating. As rational agents can often benefit from misreporting their observations,...