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Exploiting spectral properties of symmetric banded Toeplitz matrices, we describe simple sufficient conditions for positivity of a trigonometric polynomial formulated as linear ma...
The concept of elementary flux vector is valuable in a number of applications of metabolic engineering. For instance, in metabolic flux analysis, each admissible flux vector ca...
Fluidification constitutes a relaxation technique for studying discrete event systems through fluidified approximated models, thus avoiding the state explosion problem. Moreove...
Previously, idempotent methods have been found to be extremely fast for solution of dynamic programming equations associated with deterministic control problems. The original meth...
An asynchronous stochastic approximation based (Frequentist) approach is proposed for mapping using noisy mobile sensors under two different scenarios: 1) perfectly known sensor ...
— Quadratic systems play an important role in the modeling of a wide class of nonlinear processes (electrical, robotic, biological, etc.). For such systems it is of mandatory imp...
Francesco Amato, Francesco Calabrese, Carlo Cosent...
We present a framework to solve a finite-time optimal control problem for parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs) with diffusivity-interior actuators, which is motivate...
Iterative distributed algorithms are studied for computing arithmetic averages over networks of agents connected through memoryless broadcast erasure channels. These algorithms do...
Ruggero Carli, Giacomo Como, Paolo Frasca, Federic...
It is shown that, for any time-invariant exponentially stable linear system with additive disturbances, time-varying exponentially stable interval observers can be constructed. Th...