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Abstract. Sreedhar et al. [SGL98, Sre95] have presented an eliminationbased algorithm to solve data flow problems. A thorough analysis of the algorithm shows that the worst-case pe...
For the p-median problem we study complexity of finding a local minimum in the worst and the average cases. We introduce several neighborhoods and show that the corresponding loca...
Ekaterina Alekseeva, Yury Kochetov, Alexander Plya...
ct The average case analysis of algorithms usually assumes independent, identical distributions for the inputs. In [?], Kenyon introduced the random-order ratio, a new average case...
In order to guarantee that real-time systems meet their timing specification, static execution time bounds need to be calculated. Not considering execution time predictability led...
Benedikt Huber, Wolfgang Puffitsch, Martin Schoebe...
Nonlinear approximation has usually been studied under deterministic assumptions and complete information about the underlying functions. In the present paper we assume only partia...
This paper closes a gap in the foundations of the theory of average case complexity. First, we clarify the notion of a feasible solution for a search problem and prove its robustne...
Despite their popularity, lattice reduction algorithms remain mysterious in many ways. It has been widely reported that they behave much more nicely than what was expected from the...
We present an approach to modeling the average case behavior of learning algorithms. Our motivation is to predict the expected accuracy of learning algorithms as a function of the...