
143views more  MP 2002»
14 years 15 days ago
Extending Dantzig's bound to the bounded multiple-class binary Knapsack problem
The bounded multiple-class binary knapsack problem is a variant of the knapsack problem where the items are partitioned into classes and the item weights in each class are a multip...
François Vanderbeck
102views more  IOR 2008»
14 years 25 days ago
An Optimization Algorithm for the Ordered Open-End Bin-Packing Problem
The ordered open-end bin packing problem is a variant of the bin packing problem in which the items to be packed are sorted in a given order and the capacity of each bin can be ex...
Alberto Ceselli, Giovanni Righini
300views Algorithms» more  WEA 2010»
14 years 7 months ago
Using Bound Sets in Multiobjective Optimization: Application to the Biobjective Binary Knapsack Problem
This paper is devoted to a study of the impact of using bound sets in biobjective optimization. This notion, introduced by Villareal and Karwan [19], has been independently revisit...
Charles Delort, Olivier Spanjaard