

Extending Dantzig's bound to the bounded multiple-class binary Knapsack problem

14 years 2 months ago
Extending Dantzig's bound to the bounded multiple-class binary Knapsack problem
The bounded multiple-class binary knapsack problem is a variant of the knapsack problem where the items are partitioned into classes and the item weights in each class are a multiple of a class weight. Thus, each item has an associated multiplicity. The constraints consists of an upper bound on the total item weight that can be selected and upper bounds on the total multiplicity of items that can be selected in each class. The objective is to maximize the sum of the profits associated with the selected items. This problem arises as a sub-problem in a column generation approach to the cutting stock problem. A special case of this model, where item profits are restricted to be multiples of a class profit, corresponds to the problem obtained by transforming an integer knapsack problem into a 0-1 form. However, the transformation proposed here does not involve a duplication of solutions as the standard transformation typically does. The paper shows that the LP-relaxation of this model can ...
François Vanderbeck
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where MP
Authors François Vanderbeck
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