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Long branch attraction is a problem that afflicts phylogenetic methods and a procedure to detect a data set suffering from this problem is the long branch extraction method[1]. Thi...
The accurate computational prediction of RNA secondary structures is a difficult task, but an important one, since RNA structure is usually more evolutionarily conserved than prima...
It is widely recognized that complexity of metabolic networks arises from duplication, recruitment and recombination of enzyme protein domains. However, variations of the domain ev...
- With the lowering cost and the increasing discoveries, genomics research filed has materialized personal genome era. Especially, microarray gene expression platform has already m...
Changwon Keum, Ju Han Kim, Young Soo Song, Kyoung ...
Abstract-- Stating protein design as an energy minimization in the space of amino acid sequences and rotamer combinations is usual. In the current paper an evolutionary algorithm b...
Analysis of Google Influenza-like-illness (ILI) search queries has shown a strongly correlated pattern with Center for Disease Control and Prevention seasonal ILI reporting data. W...
Courtney Corley, Armin R. Mikler, Karan P. Singh, ...
Current biological sequence comparison tools frequently fail to recognize matches between homologs when sequence similarity is below the twilight zone of less than 25% sequence id...
Modern approaches to treating genetic disorders, cancers and even epidemics rely on a detailed understanding of the underlying gene signaling network. Previous work has used time s...
David Oviatt, Mark J. Clement, Quinn Snell, Kennet...
⎯This paper presents an improved multi-object segmentation algorithm based on probabilistic labeling. First, a critical look is focused on utilizing vector calculus operator and ...