We discuss and reflect on the importance of embodiment, context, and spatial proximity as they pertain to the sense of presence obtained by individuals in virtual environments. We...
Brian E. Mennecke, Janea L. Triplett, Lesya M. Has...
Service oriented device architecture (SODA) is a promising approach for enabling a continuous IT support of medical processes in hospitals. However, there is a lack of specific de...
Christian Mauro, Ali Sunyaev, Jan Marco Leimeister...
The climate change has challenged urban living: As an omnipresent force nature sets the agenda for urban life. Using stakeholder theory for conceptualizing urban life, we install ...
It seems common sense that “policy matters” in setting up e-government interoperability, mainly because collaboration should be guided by dedicated integration objectives and ...
Social virtual worlds (SVWs) have become increasingly important environments for social interaction, especially for the younger generations. For SVWs to be economically sustainabl...
The provision of services has become an increasingly important component of the economy of industrialized economies and the revenue stream for many traditional product companies. ...
I have been working with Prof. Nasir Memon as a member of ISIS, Information Systems and Internet Security Lab in Polytechnic Institute of NYU since 2006.