Multi-camera systems are more and more used in vision-based robotics. An accurate extrinsic calibration is usually required. In most of cases, this task is done by matching featur...
Local coordinate coding has recently been introduced to learning visual feature dictionary and achieved top level performance for object recognition. However, the computational co...
Insect species recognition is a typical application of image categorization and object recognition. Unlike generic image categorization datasets (such as the Caltech 101 dataset) ...
Template matching is a well-proven approach in the area of articulated object tracking. Matching accuracy and computation time of template matching are essential and yet often con...
Variational level set methods are formulated as energy minimisation problems, which are often solved by gradient-based optimisation methods, such as gradient descent. Unfortunatel...
Image stereo-rectification is the process by which two images of the same solid scene undergo homographic transforms, so that their corresponding epipolar lines coincide and becom...
We introduce a method for image retrieval that leverages the implicit information about object importance conveyed by the list of keyword tags a person supplies for an image. We p...
This paper deals with the problem of estimating structure of 3D scenes and image transformations from observations that are blurred due to unconstrained camera motion. Initially, ...
We present a method for segmenting the parts of multiple instances of a known object category exhibiting large variations in projected shape and colour. The method builds on an ex...