
107views more  JECR 2002»
14 years 3 days ago
Existing Business Models for Auctions and their Adaptation to Electronic Markets
In this paper we report an extensive analysis of the different business models for auctions found on the Web. Three hundred websites randomly selected from the main search engines...
Enrique Dans
124views more  JOT 2008»
14 years 12 days ago
Methodological Proposal for Business Process Management sustained in the use of Patterns
At the moment, enterprises require complex business models with an organizational structures, processes and systems that must be explicitly designed. The work designed by these bu...
Pedro Bonillo, Nancy Zambrano, Alecia Eleonora Aco...
14 years 1 months ago
Business Models for ASP Marketplaces
: ASP (Application Server Provider) marketplaces provide a fundamental alternative to the classical business model of software licensing. At this point, it is still unclear why and...
Gerrit Tamm, Oliver Günther
14 years 1 months ago
Retailing Digital Products
Current research activities in the area of trading digital products usually focus on specific legal or technical problems, neglecting the underlying business models and their impl...
Redmer Luxem, Lars H. Ehlers
77views Business» more  I3E 2003»
14 years 1 months ago
Who are the Internet Content Providers?
: The Internet continues its growth as a medium for the sale of goods and services – and yet, although it would seem that digital content was one of the most obvious products for...
Cornelia C. Krueger, Paula M. C. Swatman
14 years 1 months ago
Analysis of interrelations between business models and knowledge management strategies in consulting firms
Knowledge is an important matter for consulting firms − as a resource, as a product or service, and as a trigger for internal value creation processes. Therefore, a strategy for...
Sven Grolik, Dirk Kalmring, Dietrich Lehner, Chiar...
159views Business» more  ICETE 2004»
14 years 1 months ago
When Business Models Go Bad: The Music Industry's Future
: The music industry is an interesting example for how business models from the pre-Internet area can get into trouble in the new Internet-based economy. Since 2000, the music indu...
Erik Wilde, Jacqueline Schwerzmann
167views Business» more  ICEB 2004»
14 years 1 months ago
Investigating the Use of the Business Model Concept through Interviews
The term business model is widely used and is increasingly gaining importance as a business concept and management tool, particularly in e-business. Several authors propose the ap...
Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur
14 years 1 months ago
Developing and Codifying business models and process models in e-business design
The development of business models for eBusiness has become increasing popular within both the academic and business arena. We believe that many of the business models for eBusine...
Philip Joyce, Graham Winch
156views Business» more  MKWI 2008»
14 years 1 months ago
Enabling Open Innovation in a World of Ubiquitous Computing - Proposing a Research Agenda
: This article proposes a new Ubiquitous Computing (UC) infrastructure for open access to object data that will come along with a new research agenda especially for the field of Wi...
Detlef Schoder, Christian Schmitt, Kai Fischbach, ...