: This article proposes a new Ubiquitous Computing (UC) infrastructure for open access to object data that will come along with a new research agenda especially for the field of Wirtschaftsinformatik. Our guiding hypothesis is that by fostering an "Open Object Information Infrastructure" new ways for product, process, and business model innovations may emerge. We assume that the unrestricted access to a large amount of sensor network data is the basis for new and often unanticipated innovation. Two major trends fuel our thoughts: Firstly, the ever increasing connectivity among people and more recently things extends present communication and information technology infrastructures. Thereby we get hold of the virtual pendants of an enormous number of physical entities. In addition, advancements in the areas of sensor networks, Auto-ID techniques, including RFID, and in related fields like telecommunications, HCI, and computer science catalyze each other. Secondly, increasing de...