The dependency pair method of Arts and Giesl is the most powerful technique for proving termination of term rewrite systems automatically. We show that the method can be improved b...
We propose the notion of rewriting modules in order to provide a structural and hierarchical approach of TRS. We define then relative dependency pairs built upon these modules whic...
A boolean formula in conjunctive normal form (CNF) F is refuted by literal?once resolution if the empty clause is inferred from F by resolving on each literal of F at most once. Li...
Abstract. Skepticism is one of the most important semantic intuitions in artificial intelligence. The semantics formalizing skeptical reasoning in (disjunctive) logic programming i...
Abstract. JProver is a first-order intuitionistic theorem prover that creates sequent-style proof objects and can serve as a proof engine in interactive proof assistants with expre...
Stephan Schmitt, Lori Lorigo, Christoph Kreitz, Al...
In this paper, we present a syntax-directed termination and reduction checker for higher-order logic programs. The reduction checker verifies parametric higher-order subterm orderi...