
64views more  CAGD 2006»
14 years 19 days ago
Matrix-valued subdivision schemes for generating surfaces with extraordinary vertices
Subdivision templates of numerical values are replaced by templates of matrices in this
Charles K. Chui, Qingtang Jiang
72views more  CAGD 2006»
14 years 19 days ago
Inherently improper surface parametric supports
We identify a class of monomial supports that are inherently improper because any surface rational parametrization defined on them is improper. A surface support is inherently imp...
Eng-Wee Chionh, Xiao-Shan Gao, Liyong Shen
75views more  CAGD 2006»
14 years 19 days ago
Rational quadratic circles are parametrized by chord length
We show that the chord length parameter assignment is exact for circle segments in standard rational quadratic form.
Gerald E. Farin
97views more  CAGD 2006»
14 years 19 days ago
Conditions for use of a non-selfintersection conjecture
Abstract. Volino and Thalmann have published a conjecture proposing sufficient conditions for non-selfintersection of surfaces. Such conditions may be used in solid modeling, compu...
Lars-Erik Andersson, Neil F. Stewart, Malika Zidan...
103views more  CAGD 2006»
14 years 19 days ago
The implicit structure of ridges of a smooth parametric surface
Given a smooth surface, a blue (red) ridge is a curve such that at each of its points, the maximum (minimum) principal curvature has an extremum along its curvature line. Ridges a...
Frédéric Cazals, Jean-Charles Faug&e...
120views more  CAGD 2006»
14 years 19 days ago
Quality meshing of implicit solvation models of biomolecular structures
This paper describes a comprehensive approach to construct quality meshes for implicit solvation models of biomolecular structures starting from atomic resolution data in the Prot...
Yongjie Zhang, Guoliang Xu, Chandrajit L. Bajaj
105views more  CAGD 2006»
14 years 19 days ago
Geometric modeling applications in rational drug design: a survey
ed/Indexed in: MathSci, INSPEC, Current Contents, Pascal, UnCover, Ei Compendex, Inside Conferences. This journal is part of ContentsDirect, the free alerting service which sends t...
Hans J. Wolters
90views more  CAGD 2006»
14 years 19 days ago
Local hybrid approximation for scattered data fitting with bivariate splines
We suggest a local hybrid approximation scheme based on polynomials and radial basis functions, and use it to modify the scattered data fitting algorithm of [7]. Similar to that a...
Oleg Davydov, Rossana Morandi, Alessandra Sestini
140views more  CAGD 2006»
14 years 19 days ago
Normal based subdivision scheme for curve design
In this paper we propose a new kind of nonlinear and geometry driven subdivision scheme for curve interpolation. Instead of using linear combination of old vertexes, displacement ...
Xunnian Yang