Abstract. For any set-endofunctor T : Set → Set there exists a largest subcartesian transformation µ to the filter functor F : Set → Set. Thus we can associate with every T-c...
In the specific situation of formal reasoning concerned with “regular expression equivalence” we address instances of more general questions such as: how can coinductive argum...
We propose a coalgebraic model of the Fusion calculus based on HD-automata. The main advantage of the approach is that the partition refinement algorithm designed for HD-automata ...
Gian Luigi Ferrari, Ugo Montanari, Emilio Tuosto, ...
We present ACPc , a process algebra with conditional expressions in which the conditions are taken from a Boolean algebra, and extensions of this process algebra with mechanisms fo...
This paper shows that bisimulation equivalence does not afford a finite equational axiomatization over the language obtained by enriching Bergstra and Klop’s Basic Process Alge...