In this paper, a primary (licensed) user leases part of its resources to independent secondary (unlicensed) terminals in exchange for a tariff in dollars per bit, under the constra...
Rocco Di Taranto, Petar Popovski, Osvaldo Simeone,...
Abstract-- We consider the problem of Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks. In our previous work we have developed DualCUSUM, a distributed algorithm for change detection a...
Abstract--In this paper, we consider multiple-input multipleoutput (MIMO) communication systems with combined channel covariance feedback (CCF) and channel gain feedback (CGF), her...
Xiangyun Zhou, Tharaka A. Lamahewa, Parastoo Sadeg...
We show that the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff of a half-duplex single-relay channel with identically distributed Rayleigh fading channel gains meets the 2 by 1 MISO bound. We ge...
Sameer Pawar, Amir Salman Avestimehr, David N. C. ...
— Multiuser diversity refers to a type of diversity present across different users in a fading environment. This diversity can be exploited by scheduling transmissions so that us...
It is well known that channel-dependent OFDMA resource assignment algorithms provide a significant performance improvement compared to static (i.e. channelunaware) approaches. Su...