This paper describes our exploration of a design space for an augmented reality prototype. We began by observing air traffic controllers and their interactions with paper flight s...
Wendy E. Mackay, Anne-Laure Fayard, Laurent Frober...
A great deal of effort has gone into developing open-ended inquiry activities for science education as well as complex computer tools for accessing scientific data to help student...
Ben Loh, Josh Radinsky, Eric Russell, Louis M. Gom...
considered simply, but a more complex evaluation of the effects of performing the tasks. For example, an educational activity that learners complete quickly and accurately is of no...
The Insight Lab is an immersive environment designed to support teams who create design requirements documents. Requirements emerge from a deep understanding of a problem domain, ...
This paperreportson the designanduseof tactile userinterfacesembeddedwithin or wrappedaroundthe devices that they control. We discussthree different interaction prototypesthat we ...
Beverly L. Harrison, Kenneth P. Fishkin, Anuj Guja...
Collaboration in current real-time groupware systems is often an awkward and clumsy process. We hypothesize that better support for workspace awareness can improve the usability o...
This paper presents a system for interacting with digital information, called Triangles. The Triangles system is a physical/digital construction kit, which allows users to use two...
Several visualizations have emerged which attempt to visualize all or part of the World Wide Web. Those visualizations, however, fail to present the dynamically changing ecology o...
Ed Huai-hsin Chi, James E. Pitkow, Jock D. Mackinl...
User centered design requires the creation of numerous design artifacts such as task hierarchy, task-oriented specification, user interface design, architecture design and code. I...
Judy Brown, T. C. Nicholas Graham, Timothy N. Wrig...