Although they work with two non-humanoid robots located several million miles away, the distributed team that operates the Mars Exploration Rovers demonstrates an uncanny sympathy...
This design theatre experience explores the use of choreographic improvisation exercises to reflect on the structures of interaction in a mobile, co-located group. The design tech...
In this work-in-progress we present some ideas and findings involving map design and human performance. Satellites has once and for all automated geographic positioning and result...
This workshop explores the territory of `value-centred HCI' with the intention of freeing us from the tricky complexity of this topic and the multiple meanings of the words `...
David J. Gilmore, Gilbert Cockton, Elizabeth F. Ch...
This study investigates the context of interactions of IT security practitioners, based on a qualitative analysis of 30 interviews and participatory observation. We identify nine ...
Rodrigo Werlinger, Kirstie Hawkey, Konstantin Bezn...
In this paper we describe Surflex, a programmable surface for the design and visualization of physical forms. Surflex combines the physical properties of shape-memory alloy and fo...