
114views more  ALGORITHMS 2010»
13 years 10 months ago
Graph Extremities Defined by Search Algorithms
: Graph search algorithms have exploited graph extremities, such as the leaves of a tree and the simplicial vertices of a chordal graph. Recently, several well-known graph search a...
Anne Berry, Jean R. S. Blair, Jean Paul Bordat, Ge...
160views more  ANOR 2005»
14 years 10 days ago
Packing r-Cliques in Weighted Chordal Graphs
In Hell et al. (2004), we have previously observed that, in a chordal graph G, the maximum number of independent r-cliques (i.e., of vertex disjoint subgraphs of G, each isomorphic...
Pavol Hell, Sulamita Klein, Loana Tito Nogueira, F...
70views more  JGT 2006»
14 years 12 days ago
Vertex partitions of chordal graphs
Abstract: A k-tree is a chordal graph with no (k + 2)-clique. An -treepartition of a graph G is a vertex partition of G into `bags,' such that contracting each bag to a single...
David R. Wood
114views more  JAL 2006»
14 years 12 days ago
A wide-range algorithm for minimal triangulation from an arbitrary ordering
We present a new algorithm, called LB-Triang, which computes minimal triangulations. We give both a straightforward O(nm0) time implementation and a more involved O(nm) time imple...
Anne Berry, Jean Paul Bordat, Pinar Heggernes, Gen...
92views more  DM 2006»
14 years 14 days ago
Minimal triangulations of graphs: A survey
Any given graph can be embedded in a chordal graph by adding edges, and the resulting chordal graph is called a triangulation of the input graph. In this paper we study minimal tr...
Pinar Heggernes
90views more  DAM 2008»
14 years 15 days ago
Polarity of chordal graphs
Polar graphs are a common generalization of bipartite, cobipartite, and split graphs. They are defined by the existence of a certain partition of vertices, which is NPcomplete to ...
Tinaz Ekim, Pavol Hell, Juraj Stacho, Dominique de...
190views Algorithms» more  ESA 2009»
14 years 4 months ago
Polynomial-Time Algorithm for the Leafage of Chordal Graphs
Every chordal graph G can be represented as the intersection graph of a collection of subtrees of a host tree, the so-called tree model of G. The leafage l(G) of a connected chorda...
Michel Habib, Juraj Stacho
14 years 6 months ago
Faster Dynamic Algorithms for Chordal Graphs, and an Application to Phylogeny
We improve the current complexities for maintaining a chordal graph by starting with an empty graph and repeatedly adding or deleting edges.
Anne Berry, Alain Sigayret, Jeremy Spinrad
93views Algorithms» more  ESA 2005»
14 years 6 months ago
New Tools and Simpler Algorithms for Branchwidth
Abstract. We provide new tools, such as k-troikas and good subtreerepresentations, that allow us to give fast and simple algorithms computing branchwidth. We show that a graph G ha...
Christophe Paul, Jan Arne Telle
251views Algorithms» more  CIAC 2010»
14 years 9 months ago
A parameterized algorithm for Chordal Sandwich
Given an arbitrary graph G = (V, E) and an additional set of admissible edges F, the Chordal Sandwich problem asks whether there exists a chordal graph (V, E F ) such that F F. ...
Pinar Heggernes, Federico Mancini, Jesper Nederlof...