: Graph search algorithms have exploited graph extremities, such as the leaves of a tree and the simplicial vertices of a chordal graph. Recently, several well-known graph search a...
Anne Berry, Jean R. S. Blair, Jean Paul Bordat, Ge...
In Hell et al. (2004), we have previously observed that, in a chordal graph G, the maximum number of independent r-cliques (i.e., of vertex disjoint subgraphs of G, each isomorphic...
Pavol Hell, Sulamita Klein, Loana Tito Nogueira, F...
Abstract: A k-tree is a chordal graph with no (k + 2)-clique. An -treepartition of a graph G is a vertex partition of G into `bags,' such that contracting each bag to a single...
We present a new algorithm, called LB-Triang, which computes minimal triangulations. We give both a straightforward O(nm0) time implementation and a more involved O(nm) time imple...
Anne Berry, Jean Paul Bordat, Pinar Heggernes, Gen...
Any given graph can be embedded in a chordal graph by adding edges, and the resulting chordal graph is called a triangulation of the input graph. In this paper we study minimal tr...
Polar graphs are a common generalization of bipartite, cobipartite, and split graphs. They are defined by the existence of a certain partition of vertices, which is NPcomplete to ...
Tinaz Ekim, Pavol Hell, Juraj Stacho, Dominique de...
Every chordal graph G can be represented as the intersection graph of a collection of subtrees of a host tree, the so-called tree model of G. The leafage l(G) of a connected chorda...
Abstract. We provide new tools, such as k-troikas and good subtreerepresentations, that allow us to give fast and simple algorithms computing branchwidth. We show that a graph G ha...
Given an arbitrary graph G = (V, E) and an additional set of admissible edges F, the Chordal Sandwich problem asks whether there exists a chordal graph (V, E F ) such that F F. ...