Dietary intake provides valuable insights for mounting intervention programs for prevention of disease. With growing concern for adolescent obesity, the need to accurately measure...
Fengqing Zhu, Anand Mariappan, Carol J. Boushey, D...
Medical imaging typically requires the reconstruction of a limited region of interest (ROI) to obtain a high resolution image of the anatomy of interest. Although targeted reconst...
Zhou Yu, Jean-Baptiste Thibault, Charles A. Bouman...
We compute AM-FM models for infrared video frames depicting military targets immersed in structured clutter backgrounds. We show that independent correlation based detection proce...
Nick A. Mould, Chuong T. Nguyen, Colin M. Johnston...
The Non-Local Means (NLM) method of denoising has received considerable attention in the image processing community due to its performance, despite its simplicity. In this paper, ...
In the past decade, information theory has been studied extensively in computational imaging. In particular, image matching by maximizing mutual information has been shown to yiel...
Igor Yanovsky, Paul M. Thompson, Stanley Osher, Al...
We present an algorithm to generate samples from probability distributions on the space of curves. Traditional curve evolution methods use gradient descent to find a local minimum...
Ayres C. Fan, John W. Fisher III, Jonathan Kane, A...
We consider the image reconstruction problem when the original image is assumed to be sparse and when partial knowledge of the point spread function (PSF) is available. In particu...
We apply stabilized inverse diffusion equations (SIDEs) to segment microscopy images of materials to aid in analysis of defects. We extend SIDE segmentation methods and demonstrat...