Abstract. We investigates the effectiveness of language-dependent approaches to document retrieval, such as stemming and decompounding, and constrast them with language-independen...
Jaap Kamps, Christof Monz, Maarten de Rijke, B&oum...
Abstract. The TextMap-TMT cross-language question answering system at USC-ISI was designed to answer Spanish questions from English documents. The system is fully automatic, includ...
Abdessamad Echihabi, Douglas W. Oard, Daniel Marcu...
This paper reports on the participation of ITC-irst in the Cross Language Evaluation Forum 2003; in particular, in the monolingual, bilingual, small multilingual, and spoken docum...
Fusion and optimization based on relevance judgements have proven to be successful strategies in information retrieval. In this year's CLEF campaign we applied these strategi...
Motivated by the hypothesis that the retrieval performance of a weighting model is independent of the language in which queries and collection are expressed, we compared the retrie...
The current expansion in collections of natural language based digital documents in various media and languages is creating challenging opportunities for automatically accessing t...
In this paper we propose several merging strategies to integrate the result lists of each intermediate run in distributed MLIR. The prediction of retrieval effectiveness was used t...