
127views Healthcare» more  IHI 2010»
13 years 10 months ago
Using clinical preferences in argumentation about evidence from clinical trials
Medical practice is increasingly based on the best available evidence, but the volume of information requires many clinicians to rely on systematic reviews rather than the primary...
Anthony Hunter, Matthew Williams
142views Healthcare» more  IHI 2010»
13 years 10 months ago
Exploring the use of technology in healthcare spaces and its impact on empathic communication
As computing technologies in examination rooms become a more pervasive and dominant part of the healthcare experience, those technologies can disrupt the flow of information and e...
Amanda Fonville, Eun Kyoung Choe, Susan Oldham, Ju...
97views more  IJMI 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Positive effects of electronic patient records on three clinical activities
Purpose: To investigate the effects of a fully functional electronic patient record (EPR) system on clinicians' work during team conferences, ward rounds, and nursing handove...
Morten Hertzum, Jesper Simonsen
137views Healthcare» more  MEDINFO 2007»
14 years 4 months ago
How do Clinicians Search For and Access Biomedical Literature to Answer Clinical Questions?
This paper presents a retrospective data analysis on how 75 clinicians searched for and accessed biomedical literature from an online information retrieval system to answer six cl...
Annie Y. S. Lau, Enrico W. Coiera
14 years 9 months ago
Ontology-Driven Hypothesis Generation to Explain Anomalous Patient Responses to Treatment
Within the medical domain there are clear expectations as to how a patient should respond to treatments administered. When these responses are not observed it can be challenging fo...
Laura Moss, Derek H. Sleeman, Malcolm Sim, Malcolm...