
142views more  JCT 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
Graphs that triangulate a given surface and quadrangulate another surface
We show that for any closed surface F with χ(F) −4 (or χ(F) −2), there exist graphs that triangulate the torus or the Klein bottle (or the projective plane) and that quadran...
Yusuke Suzuki
91views more  ENDM 2002»
14 years 2 months ago
On minimally 3-connected graphs on a surface
It is well-known that the maximal size of minimally 3-connected graphs of order 7n is 93 -n . In this paper, we shall prove that if G is a minimally 3-connected graph of order n, ...
Katsuhiro Ota
138views more  CGF 2005»
14 years 2 months ago
Approximation of a Variable Density Cloud of Points by Shrinking a Discrete Membrane
This paper describes a method to obtain a closed surface that approximates a general 3D data point set with non-uniform density. Aside from the positions of the initial data point...
Jordi Esteve, Pere Brunet, Alvar Vinacua