One of the most important collective communication patterns used in scientific applications is the complete exchange, also called All-to-All. Although efficient complete exchange ...
Clusters are the most common solutions for high performance computing at the present time. In this kind of systems, an important challenge is the I/O subsystem design. Typically, ...
Collective MPI operations are an interesting research topic, since their implementation is complex and there are many different possible ways to improve their performance. It is no...
The Service Level Agreement (SLA) based grid superscheduling approach promotes coordinated resource sharing. Superscheduling is facilitated between administratively and topologica...
The RandomAccess benchmark as defined by the High Performance Computing Challenge (HPCC) tests the speed at which a machine can update the elements of a table spread across globa...
Steven J. Plimpton, Ron Brightwell, Courtenay Vaug...
Heterogeneous networks of computers have rapidly become a very promising commodity computing solution, expected to play a major role in the design of high performance computing sy...
The effect of the operating system on application performance is an increasingly important consideration in high performance computing. OS kernel measurement is key to understandi...
Aroon Nataraj, Allen D. Malony, Sameer Shende, Ala...
Distributed applications, especially the ones being I/O intensive, often access the storage subsystem in a non-sequential way (stride requests). Since such behaviors lower the ove...
In this article we introduce a grid runtime system called TGrid which is designed to run hierarchically structured task-parallel programs on heterogenous environments and can also...