High-performance computing (HPC) systems consume a significant amount of power, resulting in high operational costs, reduced reliability, and wasting of natural resources. Therefor...
Reza Zamani, Ahmad Afsahi, Ying Qian, V. Carl Hama...
Abstract-- Multicore microprocessors have been largely motivated by the diminishing returns in performance and the increased power consumption of single-threaded ILP microprocessor...
Matthew Curtis-Maury, Karan Singh, Sally A. McKee,...
Bulk memory copies incur large overheads such as CPU stalling (i.e., no overlap of computation with memory copy operation), small register-size data movement, cache pollution, etc...
Karthikeyan Vaidyanathan, Lei Chai, Wei Huang, Dha...
— The thermal environment of data centers plays a significant role in affecting the energy efficiency and the reliability of data center operation. A dominant problem associate...
Qinghui Tang, Sandeep K. S. Gupta, Georgios Varsam...
— Various mechanisms for fault-tolerance (FT) are used today in order to reduce the impact of failures on application execution. In the case of system failure, standard FT mechan...
— Data mining in biological structure libraries can be a powerful tool to better understand biochemical processes. This article introduces the LISA algorithm which enables the re...
Abstract—Large-scale parallel applications often produce immense quantities of data that need to be analyzed. To avoid performing repeated, costly disk accesses, analysis of larg...