Inspired by the formal code inspection process commonly used in the software industry, we have been exploring the use of pedagogical code reviews (PCRs), in which a team of three ...
Christopher D. Hundhausen, Anukrati Agrawal, Kyle ...
An automated framework for code and data partitioning for the needs of data management is presented. The goal is to identify the main data types from the data management perspectiv...
ion-Carrying Code Elvira Albert1 , Germ´an Puebla2 , and Manuel Hermenegildo2,3 1 DSIP, Universidad Complutense Madrid 2 Facultad de Inform´atica, Technical University of Madrid ...
We present a type system for E code, which is an assembly language that manages the release, interaction, and termination of real-time tasks. E code specifies a deadline for each...
Modeling languages have been evolving at a high pace, encouraging the use of automatic code generators for transforming models to programs. Automatic code generators should enable ...
Programming courses of all levels rely heavily on code examples. Often, to cover non-trivial subjects, it is convenient to present examples in the form of a tutorial. Such tutoria...
Chris Kojouharov, Aleksey Solodovnik, Gleb Naumovi...
: Verifying design instead of code can be an effective and practical approach to obtaining verified software. This paper argues that proof scores are an attractive method for ver...
Kokichi Futatsugi, Joseph A. Goguen, Kazuhiro Ogat...
Proof-carrying code provides a mechanism for insuring that a host, or code consumer, can safely run code delivered by a code producer. The host specifies a safety policy as a set ...
When addressing the formal validation of generated software, two main alternatives consist either to prove the correctness of compilers or to directly validate the generated code....
Claude Kirchner, Pierre-Etienne Moreau, Antoine Re...
Code duplication is a serious problem with no easy solution, even in industrial-strength code. Single inheritance cannot provide for effective code reuse in all situations, and s...
Emerson R. Murphy-Hill, Philip J. Quitslund, Andre...