
14 years 1 months ago
Fighting Coercion Attacks in Key Generation using Skin Conductance
Many techniques have been proposed to generate keys including text passwords, graphical passwords, biometric data and etc. Most of these techniques are not resistant to coercion a...
Payas Gupta, Debin Gao
175views Education» more  LREC 2010»
14 years 4 months ago
Capturing Coercions in Texts: a First Annotation Exercise
In this paper we report the first results of an annotation exercise of argument coercion phenomena performed on Italian texts. Our corpus consists of ca 4000 sentences from the PA...
Elisabetta Jezek, Valeria Quochi
14 years 5 months ago
Using flexible points in a developing simulation of selective dissolution in alloys
Coercion is a semi-automated simulation adaptation technology that uses subject-matter expert insight about model ion alternatives, called flexible points, to change the behavior...
Joseph C. Carnahan, Steven A. Policastro, Erin C. ...
14 years 5 months ago
Agile optimization for coercion
Coercion combines flexible points, semi-automated optimization and expert guided manual code modification for adapting simulations to meet new requirements. Coercion can improve s...
Lingjia Tang, Paul F. Reynolds Jr.
93views Cryptology» more  FC 2009»
14 years 9 months ago
Coercion Resistant End-to-end Voting
End-to-end voting schemes have shown considerable promise for allowing voters to verify that tallies are accurate. At the same time, the threat of coercion has generally been consi...
Ryan W. Gardner, Sujata Garera, Aviel D. Rubin