One of the problems in part-of-speech tagging of real-word texts is that of unknown to the lexicon words. In (Mikheev, 1996), a technique for fully unsupervised statistical acquis...
The paper is a first attempt to fill a gap in the dependency literature, by providing a mathematical result on the complexity of recognition with a dependency grammar. The paper d...
In this paper, we define the notion of a preventative expression and discuss a corpus study of such expressions in instructional text. We discuss our coding schema, which takes in...
The objective of this pal)er is to [brmalize the intuition al)out l,he comph;xity of syntactic structures. We propose a definition of structm:al COml)h'xity such that sentenc...
We address the problem of automatically acquiring case frame patterns (selectional patterns) from large corpus data. In particular, we l)ropose a method of learning dependencies b...