We report on a generic uni- and bivariate algebraic kernel that is publicly available with Cgal 3.7. It comprises complete, correct, though efficient state-of-the-art implementati...
Starting with a similarity function between objects, it is possible to define a distance metric (the kernel distance) on pairs of objects, and more generally on probability distr...
Sarang C. Joshi, Raj Varma Kommaraju, Jeff M. Phil...
In this paper, we present the first output-sensitive algorithm to compute the persistence diagram of a filtered simplicial complex. For any Γ > 0, it returns only those homo...
We consider the offset-deconstruction problem: Given a polygonal shape Q with n vertices, can it be expressed, up to a tolerance ε in Hausdorff distance, as the Minkowski sum o...
Eric Berberich, Dan Halperin, Michael Kerber, Roza...
We propose a framework for compressive sensing of images with local geometric features. Specifically, let x ∈ RN be an N-pixel image, where each pixel p has value xp. The image...
Rishi Gupta, Piotr Indyk, Eric Price, Yaron Rachli...
We present a clustering scheme that combines a mode-seeking phase with a cluster merging phase in the corresponding density map. While mode detection is done by a standard graph-b...