PKIP, Patterned Keywords in Phrase, is our feature selection approach to text categorization (TC) for item banks. An item bank is a collection of textual data in which each item c...
Atorn Nuntiyagul, Nick Cercone, Kanlaya Naruedomku...
tract Co-Chairs Fei Xie, Portland State University, USA Jeff Lei, University of Texas at Arlington, USA Program Committee Members Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Marquette University, USA Doo...
Two main issues need to be covered when dealing with the dependability of component-based systems: quality assurance of reusable software components and quality assurance of the a...
Henry Muccini, Marcio S. Dias, Debra J. Richardson
This research aims at developing an approach for architecting and communicating software systems in the context of wireless sensor networks. In particular, it focuses on developin...
Communication middleware such as MuniCluster provides highlevel communication mechanisms for networked applications through hiding the low-level communication details from the app...
This paper demonstrates our Web Service based NVersion model, WS-FTM (Web Service-Fault Tolerance Mechanism), which applies this well proven technique to the domain of Web Service...
This paper describes our research into the application of fault injection to Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) based Service Oriented-Architectures (SOA). We show that our prev...
Buffer overrun vulnerabilities cause significant security problems, and have proven to be difficult to prevent. In this paper we present a novel approach to tackling the problem...
David Llewellyn-Jones, Madjid Merabti, Qi Shi, Bob...
Many approaches exist to decide the order in which classes should be integrated during (integration) testing. Most of them, based on an analysis of class dependencies (for instanc...
Phishing is a form of online identity theft that aims to steal sensitive information such as online banking passwords and credit card information from users. Phishing scams have b...