The traditional computational devices and models, such as the von Neumann architecture or the Turing machine, are strongly influenced by concepts of central control and perfectio...
CX, a network-based computational exchange, is presented. The system's design integrates variations of ideas from other researchers, such as work stealing, non-blocking tasks...
We introduce a new model of molecular computation that we call the sticker model. Like many previous proposals it makes use of DNA strands as the physical substrate in which infor...
Sam T. Roweis, Erik Winfree, Richard Burgoyne, Nic...
L. M. Adleman launched the field of DNA computing with a demonstration in 1994 that strands of DNA could be used to solve the Hamiltonian path problem for a simple graph. He also...
Abstract. We de ne a concurrent mobile system as one where independently executing components may migrate through some space during the course of the computation, and where the pat...
In this paper we present an efficient general simulation strategy for computations designed for fully operational BSP machines of n ideal processors, on n-processor dynamic-fault-p...
Spyros C. Kontogiannis, Grammati E. Pantziou, Paul...
We consider the problem of dependable computation with multiple inputs. The goal is to study when redundancy can help to achieve survivability and when it cannot. We use AND/OR gra...
I consider issues in distributed computation that should be of relevance to game theory. In particular, I focus on (a) representing knowledge and uncertainty, (b) dealing with fai...
Recently, the old logical notion of forgetting propositional symbols (or reducing the logical vocabulary) has been generalized to a new notion: forgetting literals. The aim was to...