The link structure of the Web graph is used in algorithms such as Kleinberg’s HITS and Google’s PageRank to assign authoritative weights to Web pages and thus rank them. Both ...
This paper examines how computation can be mapped across the nodes of a distributed search system to effectively utilize available resources. We specifically address computationa...
Larry Huston, Alex Nizhner, Padmanabhan Pillai, Ra...
This paper describes an improved approach to Boolean network optimization using internal don’t-cares. The improvements concern the type of don’t-cares computed, their scope, a...
Secret sharing and multiparty computation (also called “secure function evaluation”) are fundamental primitives in modern cryptography, allowing a group of mutually distrustfu...
This study extended the computation of GLCM (gray level co-occurrence matrix) to a three-dimensional form. The objective was to treat hyperspectral image cubes as volumetric data s...
Abstract. In this paper we provide explicit formulæ to compute bilinear pairings in compressed form. We indicate families of curves where the proposed compressed computation metho...
Michael Naehrig, Paulo S. L. M. Barreto, Peter Sch...
We present a domain-specific language embedded within the Haskell programming language to build scripts in a declarative and typesafe manner. We can categorize script components i...
Many computational problems linked to reasoning under uncertainty can be expressed in terms of computing the marginal(s) of the combination of a collection of (local) valuation fun...
—Sensor processing is a common task within many embedded system domains, such as in control systems, the sensor feedback is used for actuator control. In this paper we have surve...