We introduce the logical story behind file input in ACL2 and discuss the types of theorems that can be proven about filereading operations. We develop a low level library for re...
We have written a new records library for modelling fixedsize arrays and linear memories. Our implementation provides fixnum-optimized O(log2 n) reads and writes from ad
ACL2 is used to systematically study domains whose elements can be “uniquely” factored into products of “irreducible” elements. The best known examples of such domains are...
Interaction protocols enable agents to communicate with each other effectively. Whereas several approaches exist to specify interaction protocols, none of them has design tools th...
Abstract. This paper explores the use of temporal logics in the context of communication protocols for multiagent systems. We concentrate on frameworks where protocols are used to ...
Abstract. Lately, overhearing has gained interest in monitoring multi-agent settings. Previous investigations provided an extensive set of techniques using overhearing. However, mo...
Abstract. This paper considers the combination of agent communication and ontology alignment within a group of heterogeneous agents. The agents align their ontologies by constructi...
Jurriaan van Diggelen, Robbert-Jan Beun, Frank Dig...
Abstract. In this paper, we identify some problems with current formalizations of conditional commitments, i.e. commitments to achieve a goal if some condition becomes true. We pre...
In this research, we re-arrange FIPA’s ACL performatives to form a subsumption lattice (ontology) and apply a theory of social commitments to achieve a simplified and observable...
Communication in multi-agent systems (MASs) is usually governed by agent communication languages (ACLs) and communication protocols carrying a clear cut semantics. With an increasi...
Felix A. Fischer, Michael Rovatsos, Gerhard Wei&sz...