In this paper, issues of girls and their gaming preferences are explored through observations of computer games sessions at an all-girl state school. What emerged is that preferen...
At the center of the video game experience is the interface. Before a player grabs the first powerup or meets the first obstacle, the would-be-adventurer must accept the limitatio...
One of the greatest challenges in the design of realistic Artificial Intelligence (AI) in computer games is agent movement. Pathfinding strategies are usually employed as the core...
For a player to enter the game-world of EverQuest, they must choose a character. Each character fulfills a particular, functional role within the game that defines the game-play e...
We describe a technique to manage pre-written lines of dialog by treating a conversation as a game. Thinking of conversation as a game means structuring it as a series of moves, m...
Do computer simulation games display emergent behavior? Are they models of complex systems or ‘life’ systems? This paper aims to explore and investigate how games studies can ...
In this study, the authors propose to discuss scalability challenges posed by Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG) scenarios, while outlining issues specific to the context of...
This paper offers an approach to analyzing political rhetoric in videogames intended to carry ideological bias, based on cognitive linguist George Lakoff’s notion of metaphor an...