We propose a defi nition of Cellular Automaton in which links between cells can change during the computation. This is done locally by each cell, which can reach the neighbours of...
Programs are fragile for many reasons, including software errors, partial failures, and network problems. One way to make software more robust is to design it from the start as a ...
Research in formal description of programming languages over the past four decades has led to some significant achievements. These include formal syntax and semantics for complete...
on Abstraction Implementation Related Work and Conclusion Object representatives: a uniform ion for pointer information Eric Bodden, Patrick Lam and Laurie Hendren September 2008 ...
The focus of this study is positive feedback in one-on-one tutoring, its computational modeling, and its application to the design of more effective Intelligent Tutoring Systems. ...
nomic Management Abstractions M. Aldinucci1 , M. Danelutto1 , and P. Kilpatrick2 1 Dept. Computer Science, Univ. of Pisa, Italy 2 Dept. Computer Science, Queen's Univ. of Belf...
Marco Aldinucci, Marco Danelutto, Peter Kilpatrick
In recent years a considerable amount of work in graphics and geometric optimization used tools based on the Laplace-Beltrami operator on a surface. The applications of the Laplac...
A well-known concern in the setting of identity based encryption is that the PKG is all powerful and has to be completely trusted. To mitigate this problem, the notion of Accounta...
Sets play a key role in foundations of mathematics. Why? To what extent is it an accident of history? Imagine that you have a chance to talk to mathematicians from a far-away plane...
ility concepts in abstract data type specification, 30 years later Donald Sannella1 and Andrzej Tarlecki2,3 1 Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science, University of Edinburg...