Abstract. We describe simple algebraic and combinatorial characterisations of finite relational core structures admitting finitely many obstructions. As a consequence, we show th...
We prove that the modal mu-calculus model-checking problem for (ranked and ordered) node-labelled trees that are generated by order-n recursion schemes (whether safe or not, and w...
Logical properties of iterations of relational structures are studied and these decidability results are applied to the model checking of a powerful extension of pushdown systems....
Automata on infinite objects are extensively used in system specification, verification, and synthesis. While some applications of the automata-theoretic approach have been wel...
We give an explicit coinduction principle for recursively-defined stochastic processes. The principle applies to any closed property, not just equality, and works even when soluti...
Constraint languages that arise from finite algebras have recently been the object of study, especially in connection with the Dichotomy Conjecture of Feder and Vardi. An importa...
A compositional Petri net based semantics is given to a simple pointer-manipulating language. The model is then applied to give a notion of validity to the judgements made by conc...
for reasoning about abstract models of protocols. The work on informal methods attempts to discern common patterns in the extensive record of flawed protocols, and to formulate po...