act Approach to Process Equivalence Bartek Klin Pawel Soboci´nski BRICS University of Aarhus, Denmark Abstract. A framework of Plotkin and Turi’s, originally aimed at providing ...
Multi-valued model-checking is an extension of classical model-checking to reasoning about systems with uncertain information, which are common during early design stages. The addi...
We identify a necessary condition for when a given BPP process can be expressed as a BPA process. We provide an effective procedure for testing if this condition holds of a given B...
We investigate which event structures can be denoted by means of closed CCS ∪ CSP expressions. Working up to isomorphism we find that • all denotable event structures are bund...
A linear forwarder is a process which receives one message on a channel and sends it on a different channel. Such a process allows for a simple implementation of the asynchronous...
Abstract. A contract signing protocol lets two parties exchange digital signatures on a pre-agreed text. Optimistic contract signing protocols enable the signers to do so without i...
Rohit Chadha, John C. Mitchell, Andre Scedrov, Vit...
Patterns of Compositional Reasoning Nina Amla1 , E. Allen Emerson2 , Kedar Namjoshi3 , and Richard Trefler4 1 Cadence Design Systems 2 Univ. of Texas at Austin 3 Bell Labs, Lucent...
Nina Amla, E. Allen Emerson, Kedar S. Namjoshi, Ri...
In this paper we study the diagnosis of distributed asynchronous systems with concurrency. Diagnosis is performed by a peer-to-peer distributed architecture of supervisors. Our app...
Albert Benveniste, Stefan Haar, Eric Fabre, Claude...