Games via Three-Valued Abstraction Refinement Luca de Alfaro, Pritam Roy PII: S0890-5401(10)00018-0 DOI: 10.1016/j.ic.2009.05.007 Reference: YINCO 3711 To appear in: Information an...
Abstract. We define a language for Web services contracts as a parallelfree fragment of ccs and we study a natural notion of compliance between clients and services in terms of th...
Abstract. Reactive Systems `a la Leifer and Milner allow to derive from a reaction semantics definition an LTS equipped with a bisimilarity relation which is a congruence. This th...
Abstract. Modelling is becoming a necessity in studying biological signalling pathways, because the combinatorial complexity of such systems rapidly overwhelms intuitive and qualit...
Abstract. We propose a new model for timed games, based on concurrent game structures (CGSs). Compared to the classical timed game automata of Asarin et al. [8], our timed CGSs are...
Scenario languages based on Message Sequence Charts (MSCs) have been widely studied in the last decade [21,20,3,15,12,19,14]. The high expressive power of MSCs renders many basic ...
Abstract. When dealing with process calculi and automata which express both nondeterministic and probabilistic behavior, it is customary to introduce the notion of scheduler to res...